
Peramix Forum | Connect, Learn, and Share with the Hosting Community



Welcome to the Peramix Forum! To ensure a productive and supportive environment, we ask that all questions adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Relevance to Peramix Services:
    • Your question should be related to the services provided by Peramix, including but not limited to web hosting, VPS hosting, domain services, and any other related topics.
    • Examples: "How do I set up a VPS with Peramix?" or "What are the benefits of using Peramix for domain registration?"
  2. Technical Support and Troubleshooting:
    • Questions seeking help with technical issues, troubleshooting, or best practices in using Peramix services are highly encouraged.
    • Examples: "How do I configure my VPS firewall?" or "Why isn't my website loading after migrating to Peramix?"
  3. Pre-Sales Inquiries:
    • If you are considering using our services and have questions about features, pricing, or compatibility, feel free to ask.
    • Examples: "What is the difference between VPS X1 and VPS X2?" or "Can I host multiple websites on one VPS?"
  4. General Advice and Best Practices:
    • Seeking advice on general web hosting, server management, or other related topics is welcome.
    • Examples: "What are the best practices for securing a VPS?" or "How can I optimize my website's performance?"
  5. Feature Requests and Feedback:
    • We value your input! If you have suggestions for new features or improvements, please share them.
    • Examples: "I would love to see an automated backup feature for VPS hosting" or "Can you add support for more payment methods?"
  6. Community Discussions:
    • Engaging in discussions with other users about experiences, tips, and industry trends is encouraged.
    • Examples: "What tools do you use to manage multiple domains?" or "How has your experience been with Peramix's customer support?"

You should avoid:

  • Off-Topic Questions:
    • Avoid asking questions that are not related to Peramix services, web hosting, VPS hosting, domain services, or other relevant topics.
    • Example: "What are the best vacation spots?" is not suitable for this forum.
  • Personal Information:
    • Do not share sensitive information such as passwords, account details, or personal data. This is for your own security and privacy.
    • Example: "My username is [your username] and my password is [your password]. Can you help me log in?"
  • Duplicate Questions:
    • Before posting a question, search the forum to see if it has already been asked and answered. This helps keep the forum organized and reduces redundancy.
    • Example: Asking "How do I reset my password?" when there are already multiple threads on this topic.
  • Spam or Promotional Content:
    • Refrain from posting advertisements, promotional material, or links to external sites not related to Peramix services.
    • Example: "Check out this great deal on hosting services at [external website]!"
  • Inappropriate or Offensive Content:
    • Ensure that your questions are respectful and free from offensive language, harassment, or discrimination.
    • Example: Using derogatory language or making inappropriate jokes.
  • Technical Support for Non-Peramix Products:
    • While we encourage general tech discussions, specific support questions for non-Peramix products or services should be directed to the appropriate support channels.
    • Example: "How do I fix my WordPress site hosted on another provider?"
  • Overly Broad or Vague Questions:
    • Try to be as specific and detailed as possible to get the best answers. Broad or vague questions can be difficult to answer effectively.
    • Example: "How do I use a server?" instead of "How do I set up a firewall on my Peramix VPS?"
  • Urgent or Demanding Language:
    • Avoid using language that implies urgency or demands immediate attention, as this can create unnecessary pressure on the community.
    • Example: "I need this fixed NOW!" or "Why hasn’t anyone answered my question yet?"
  • Requesting Illegal Activities:
    • Do not ask questions that involve or encourage illegal activities, such as hacking, piracy, or other unlawful actions.
    • Example: "How can I hack into a website?"

You should avoid:

  1. Off-Topic Responses:
    • Ensure that your answers are relevant to the question asked. Avoid steering the conversation away from the original topic.
    • Example: If someone asks about configuring a VPS, don't start discussing unrelated personal hobbies.
  2. Personal Information:
    • Do not share or request sensitive information such as passwords, account details, or personal data. This is to protect everyone's privacy and security.
    • Example: Asking someone to share their login credentials publicly.
  3. Duplicate Answers:
    • Avoid posting answers that duplicate existing responses without adding new value or insights. Redundancy can clutter the thread and make it harder to find useful information.
    • Example: Repeating an answer that has already been provided multiple times.
  4. Spam or Promotional Content:
    • Refrain from posting advertisements, promotional material, or links to external sites not related to the question or Peramix services.
    • Example: Promoting unrelated products or services in your answers.
  5. Inappropriate or Offensive Content:
    • Ensure that your responses are respectful and free from offensive language, harassment, or discrimination.
    • Example: Using derogatory language or making inappropriate jokes.
  6. Inaccurate or Misleading Information:
    • Avoid providing answers if you are unsure of the accuracy. Misinformation can lead to confusion and potential issues for the person seeking help.
    • Example: Giving incorrect technical advice that could harm someone's system.
  7. Overly Broad or Vague Answers:
    • Provide specific and detailed responses to help the questioner understand and resolve their issue effectively.
    • Example: Saying "Just Google it" instead of offering a detailed explanation or solution.
  8. Urgent or Demanding Language:
    • Avoid using language that implies urgency or demands immediate action, as it can create unnecessary pressure on the community.
    • Example: "You need to fix this right now!"
  9. Requesting or Encouraging Illegal Activities:
    • Do not provide answers that involve or encourage illegal activities, such as hacking, piracy, or other unlawful actions.
    • Example: Suggesting ways to bypass licensing restrictions.
  10. Neglecting to Acknowledge Previous Contributions:
    • If building upon someone else's answer, acknowledge their contribution. This fosters a collaborative and respectful community.
    • Example: If expanding on a solution provided by another user, mention their input.

该站点的目标是创建一个相关的基础知识库来回答与 ERP 相关的问题.

因此,本网站的有经验用户可以像 wiki 网页一样编辑问题和答案,以提高知识库内容的整体质量。此类特权是根据用户业力级别授予的:一旦您的业力变得足够高,您就可以这样做。

