Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Security and privacy are at the core of our business practices and product offerings, We are committed to protecting data & information of our customers and website visitors.

What we collect:

We collect data / information as mentioned below, for example, but not limited to:

  • User information:
    1. E-mail
    2. Name (such as First name and last name)
    3. Company name
    4. Address and /or Billing address
    5. Phone number
    6. Geographic location
    7. Industry
    8. Payment information
  • Digital information:
    1. IP address
    2. Browser
    3. Browsing history
    4. Device information
    5. Metadata (such as e-mail open rates, website clicks, .etc)
    6. Social media identifiers
  • Other sources:
    1. Publicly available information
    2. Information you provided in seminars or surveys
    3. Information you consent to be provided to us from third parties such as but not limited to search engines, digital marketing platforms (google, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, ..etc).

How is data used?

Data is used as mentioned below, for example, but not limited to:

  • To provide service and content.
  • Account registration.
  • Payment processing.
  • Customer and technical support.
  • Marketing by us not others, including customized advertising.
  • Customized content.
  • Business communications.
  • Analytic and for statistical purposes.
  • Maintain quality of services.
  • Security, Compliance and Legal reasons.

Peramix processes information you provide to us on the legal basis of:

  • Your consent, expressed when voluntarily submitting and filling your personal data details in sign up forms, by e-mail, request or inquiries windows, etc.
  • Conclusion and performance of contractual arrangements and obligations between Peramix and the user.
  • Pursuance of legitimate interests of Peramix, as data controller and manager of Peramix platform.
  • Compliance with a legal obligation to which Peramix is subject, including but not limited to ICAN, Domain Providers, SSL Providers, Software providers, Hardware Providers ,.etc.