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What are the differences between IDS & ISS?

1 Resposta
Best Answer

IDS and IPS are both security systems that are used to protect networks from cyber attacks, but they have different functions.

IDS stands for Intrusion Detection System. An IDS is a passive security system that monitors network traffic for signs of suspicious activity. When an IDS detects a potential intrusion, it generates an alert that is sent to a security administrator for further investigation. IDS systems are designed to detect and alert on potential security breaches, but they do not take any action to prevent or block the attack.

IPS stands for Intrusion Prevention System. An IPS is an active security system that not only detects potential intrusions, but also takes action to prevent or block the attack. When an IPS detects a potential intrusion, it can take a variety of actions to prevent the attack from succeeding, such as blocking traffic from the source IP address or dropping packets that match a specific signature. IPS systems are designed to actively prevent and block security breaches.

In summary, IDS systems are passive security systems that detect and alert on potential security breaches, while IPS systems are active security systems that not only detect potential intrusions, but also take action to prevent or block the attack.

In Peramix, We integrated AI model with IPS system. testing in progress.



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