Aktualisieren Sie Ihr VPS-Hosting-Paket auf Peramix Cloud: Ein umfassender Leitfaden

Entdecken Sie, wie Sie Ihr VPS-Hosting-Paket in der Peramix Cloud nahtlos aktualisieren können. Folgen Sie unserer Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung, um Ihre Serverfunktionen zu verbessern, die Leistung zu verbessern und mühelos neue Funktionen freizuschalten. Optimieren Sie noch heute Ihr VPS-Hosting-Erlebnis mit Peramix!

Instructions to upgrade your VPS packge on Peramix Cloud:

1. Log in to your Peramix account.

2. Navigate to your VPS control panel.

3. Select more from the top menu then press on upgrade as shown on the below mentioned photo

Peramix upgrade VPS package 1

4. Scroll down to section of upgrade package as shown on the below mention photo

Peramix upgrade VPS package 2

5. Select the required VPS package you want to upgrade to, then hit continue to navigate to payment section as shown on the below mentioned photo

Peramix upgrade VPS package 3

6. As shown on the above mentioned photo, You will pay only the difference between the old package and new package adjusted for the remaining period of your subscription.

7. Hit continue to complete your payment, upgrade shall be done within 15 minutes.

8. Sometimes, you need only to increase IPv4 quantity, so in the section of VPS resources, select the new amount of IPv4 and hit continue for payment. as mentioned on the below mentioned photo, cost of additional IPv4 shall be $2/IPv4/month + 1 time payment setup fees.

Peramix upgrade VPS package 4

Finally, Upgrading VPS packages is very easy and can be done automatically from your client area whenever you need

Administrator 13. Juni 2024
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