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How to create nameserver

Creating name servers involves configuring DNS (Domain Name System) records to point to your server's IP addresses.

Creating name servers involves configuring DNS (Domain Name System) records to point to your server's IP addresses. Here are the steps to create name servers:

1. Access Your Domain Registrar:

   - Log in to your domain registrar's control panel, where you initially purchased or manage your domain.

2. Choose Your Domain:

   - Select the domain for which you want to create name servers.

3. Locate DNS Management or Name Server Settings:

   - Look for options like "DNS Management," "Name Server Settings," or "Domain Name Servers."

4. Create Custom Name Servers:

   - Usually, there will be an option to create custom name servers or add custom DNS records.

   - Enter the hostname (e.g., and its corresponding IP address. Repeat for a second name server (e.g.,

5. Update IP Addresses:

   - Ensure that the IP addresses you've provided for your custom name servers point to the correct servers where your DNS records will be hosted (VPS or server IP).

6. Save Changes:

   - Save your changes and wait for DNS propagation, which may take up to 48 hours.

7. Test Name Servers:

   - Use online DNS lookup tools to verify that your custom name servers resolve to the correct IP addresses.

8. Configure DNS Records:

   - After setting up your name servers, configure DNS records (A, CNAME, MX, etc.) to associate domain names with specific server resources.

9. Monitor and Maintain:

   - Regularly monitor your name server settings and DNS records to ensure they remain accurate and up to date.

Remember that creating custom name servers is typically done for branding purposes or if you're running your own DNS infrastructure. If you're hosting your website with Peramix website shared hosting, we provide name servers for you to use without the need for custom ones.

How to create nameserver
Diana November 4, 2023
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